Supercharging Adobe Journey Optimizer with Custom Forms, Surveys, and Preference Centres

In the world of marketing automation, Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) stands out as a powerful tool for creating personalized customer journeys. However, when it comes to creating custom pages for user input – such as preference centres, surveys, or complex forms – AJO has some limitations. This is where comes to the rescue! In this blog post, we’ll explore how to leverage’s no-code platform to create custom input pages and seamlessly integrate them with AJO using API connections.

The Challenge: AJO’s Limitations in Custom User Input

Adobe Journey Optimizer excels at orchestrating customer journeys and delivering personalized content. However, it lacks native functionality for creating custom pages with extensive user input options. This can be a significant hurdle when you need to:

  1. Build comprehensive preference centres
  2. Create detailed surveys
  3. Design complex forms for data collection

The Solution: + Adobe Journey Optimizer is a powerful no-code platform that allows you to create web applications without writing a single line of code. By combining’s flexibility with AJO’s robust marketing capabilities, we can create a best-of-both-worlds solution.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create custom pages in Design your forms, surveys, or preference centres with’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  2. Connect to AJO using APIs: Utilize’s API Connector to integrate with Adobe Journey Optimizer’s APIs.
  3. Read and write data between platforms: Seamlessly transfer data between your application and AJO, enabling real-time updates and personalized experiences.

Step-by-Step Guide: Building a Custom Preference Centre

Let’s walk through the process of creating a simple preference centre using and integrating it with AJO:

  1. Design your page in
    1. Create a new project
    2. Design your preference center layout using Bubble’s visual editor
    3. Add input fields for user preferences (e.g., email frequency, topics of interest)
  2. Set up API connection in
    1. Navigate to the “Plugins” section in Bubble
    2. Add the “API Connector” plugin
    3. Configure the plugin with AJO’s API endpoints and authentication details
  3. Create workflows in
    1. Set up a workflow to trigger when the user submits the form
    2. Use the API Connector to send the updated preferences to AJO
  4. Configure AJO to receive and utilize the data
    1. Set up custom fields in AJO to store the preference data
    2. Create segments or journeys based on the received preferences
  5. Test and refine
    1. Test the integration to ensure data flows correctly between and AJO
    2. Refine the user experience and add additional features as needed

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Flexibility: Create any type of custom input page without being limited by AJO’s native capabilities.
  2. Real-time synchronization: Updates made in can be immediately reflected in AJO for timely personalization.
  3. Enhanced user experience: Leverage’s design capabilities to create engaging and user-friendly interfaces.
  4. Rapid development: Utilize’s no-code environment to quickly iterate and deploy new features.
  5. Seamless integration: Maintain the power of AJO’s journey orchestration while extending its capabilities.
  6. Improved security and data governance: As acts as a pass-through for data collection, no sensitive information is stored on the platform. This approach ensures that all data is directly sent to and stored within your secure AJO environment, maintaining your existing security protocols and data governance policies.
  7. Low-code management for business teams: The low-code nature of allows business teams to easily manage and update the custom pages without heavy reliance on IT or development resources. This empowers marketing and customer experience teams to quickly adapt to changing needs and implement new ideas without lengthy development cycles.
  8. Cost-effective solution: By leveraging’s capabilities, organizations can avoid the need for custom development of features that are not natively available in AJO, potentially reducing overall implementation and maintenance costs.
  9. Scalability: As your needs grow,’s platform can scale to accommodate more complex forms, surveys, or preference centres without requiring a complete overhaul of your existing AJO setup.

Use Cases

This + AJO integration opens up a world of possibilities:

  1. Detailed Preference Centres: Allow users to set granular preferences for content, frequency, and channel.
  2. Interactive Surveys: Create engaging surveys that feed directly into your AJO-powered marketing strategies.
  3. Complex Data Collection Forms: Design multi-step forms for comprehensive data gathering, perfect for industries like finance or healthcare.
  4. Dynamic Landing Pages: Build landing pages that adapt based on user interactions and feed that data back to AJO.


By combining the strengths of and Adobe Journey Optimizer, marketers can overcome the limitations of custom user input in AJO. This powerful integration allows for the creation of tailored, interactive experiences that seamlessly feed into your broader marketing automation strategy. Whether you’re looking to build a comprehensive preference centre, conduct in-depth surveys, or create any other type of custom input page, the + AJO combination provides a flexible, efficient, and powerful solution.

Ready to take your Adobe Journey Optimizer experiences to the next level? Start exploring today and unlock a new world of possibilities for your marketing automation efforts!
