Seven Signs Your Marketing Isn’t as “Super” as It Could Be

After working close to a decade in the superannuation industry and now working with some of the most pioneering funds as clients, I thought it pertinent to share some of my insights to help cut through the noise of digital transformation with a lens on super.
Seven Signs Your Marketing Isn’t as “Super” as It Could Be
- Underutilising Rich Data: Many super funds provide members with a Retirement Income Estimate (RIE), a valuable tool that gives insight into retirement planning. However, this data is often used only once and not leveraged across other marketing campaigns throughout the year. There’s a plethora of other data being underutilised such as Supermatch data to inform better segments and drive consolidation or data from calculators to drive journeys and conversion funnels.
- Viewing Analytics in the Rearview Mirror: While analytics tools are widely used to track website hits, many funds miss out on the full potential of these tools. Analytics should be used to gain insights and drive personalised customer journeys.
- Disconnected Technology: A common issue is the use of legacy technology or isolated implementations within super funds. This often leads to manual processes or disconnected systems that hinder effective marketing strategies.
- Outdated Operating Models: The marketing landscape is evolving rapidly, yet many funds still rely on high-tech marketing platforms for basic batch-and-blast campaigns. Marketers need to bridge the gap between data, technology, and traditional marketing to fully leverage these advanced tools.
- Lack of Automation: Many super funds waste resources on manual tasks, such as updating performance figures or Funds Under Management (FUM) on web pages. Automation can significantly reduce manual effort, allowing resources to focus on more value-added tasks.
- Overreliance on 3rd Party Cookies: If you don’t have a plan for a world without cookies, your head is well and truly in the sand. The standout funds are the ones who are leveraging 1st party data to drive experiences. With the impending demise of third-party cookies, it’s crucial for funds to have a plan for leveraging first-party data. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) can combine online and offline data from various sources to create personalized member experiences and journeys.
- Embracing AI: Chat GPT is a game-changer for marketers! AI can assist in creative development, suggest subject lines, and even help in building marketing plans. When used effectively, AI can handle a significant portion of the workload, allowing marketers to add their unique touch to finalise campaigns. You can thank me later for this one.
We work with our clients to help extract value from technology and improve their overall effectiveness and efficiency. If you have nodded your head to any of the above, I think it’s time we grab a coffee!