Anchora Privacy Policy


The word ‘privacy’ means different things to different people. One person’s idea of privacy is likely to
be different from the ideas of another person. The type of privacy referred to in this policy refers to
privacy of personal information. This policy aims to provide guidelines surrounding privacy of
information at Anchora and the way that confidentiality and privacy of information is managed and


This policy applies to all Anchora employees.

Personal Information

Personal information is information that identifies someone or could identify someone. There are
some obvious examples such as name, or address, but personal information can also include medical
records, bank account details, photos, videos, and even information about what a person likes, their
opinions or where they work – basically, any information in which a person could be reasonably

Information does not need to include a person’s name to be personal information. For example, in
some cases, a date of birth and postcode may be enough to identify an individual.

The Information Privacy Act 2000 definition of personal information is:

“…information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database),
whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose
identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.”


The definition of confidentiality at Anchora is the expectation that personal information of our
employees remains in confidence and that the privacy of this information is respected.

Information Storage and Use

Anchora is committed to the privacy and confidentiality of information of our employees in everything
that we do including:

    1. Recruitment and Selection;
    2. Performance Management;
    3. Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment;
    4. Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunities issues;
    5. Occupational Health and Safety including Workers Compensation; and
    6. Payroll.

The Information Privacy Act compels us as a company to ensure that the personal information of
individuals, which includes employees, contractors, and potential employees, is used only for the
purpose that it was collected, is not disseminated to individuals who are not authorised to obtain this
information and that the security of information is maintained at all times.

The CEO and Operations and Finance Manager hold all personal information relating to individual
employees in personnel files that are secure. Employee information should not be kept in any other
area as this poses several privacy breach risks to the company. Any information relating to individuals
should be sent to the Operations and Finance Manager and formally requested as needed.

Contact details for all employees will not be communicated to anyone outside of Anchora. However,
this policy does not prohibit employees from giving their contact details to their team, their manager
or other employees in the company.

In workplace situations such as Recruitment and Selection, Workers Compensation, OH&S,
Performance Management, Diversity issues and investigations, the only individuals who may access
such information is the CEO, Operations and Finance Manager and the direct Manager of the
employee in consideration. It is a breach of this policy for anyone outside of this to access this
information without permission of the CEO.

All employees are required to carefully consider whom they communicate information with.

If you are asked a question about an individual’s private information and are unsure about whether to
provide the information, please check with the CEO in the first instance.